Author: Day by Day
Published 07.22.2024

Yes, please
Call me Bong.
Very seldom can you hear
A girl with such a nickname
But Papa called me Bong.

One radio drama
Where they got my name
Divina and Divine to friends
Dang and Grace to family
Only Papa called me Bong.

Every father wanted a son
Mine thought I was the one
Nevertheless, I am loved
When a son finally came
Papa was used to calling me Bong.

A daughter and a son
Rolled into one
Following a father's footsteps
Lovingly, willingly and proudly
That daughter called Bong

Twenty two years have passed
Rough hands and smilling eyes
Are memories that I treasured
And, oh, how I long to hear again
For Papa to call me Bong.

Divine for Papa in heaven
07.22.1936 - 02.11.200
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